“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: November 14, 2012
We’re one day away from being halfway through November. It’s been a busy first two weeks around here! I’ve been baring my soul, earning my keep, and all things in between. Right now I’m fighting a cold...
View Article“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: November 21, 2012
I cannot tell a lie: I’m glad this is the easy post. I need the break. What with all the goings-on around here lately, extra house cleaning and holiday prepping… I welcome the break. I still have four...
View Article“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: December 5, 2012
I love “What’s the Word?” Wednesdays. It’s the chance to share with other Bloggers and blog readers all ’round the world. Okay, so my little outreach doesn’t quite get to Siberia (that I know of), but...
View Article“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: December 12, 2012
My Word this week is “Better”. I opted to trade in my frustrations and instead look for ways to make things Better. I can’t change other people: their actions, reactions, lack of action… but I can take...
View Article“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: December 26, 2012
The holidays are almost over. That mad rush to get from A to Z while making everyone happy and doubling up on the social calendar. It’s time to wind down from all the excitement and regroup with some...
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